Administration of the Grand Moroccan Escapade is a full time, year-round job for the organizers and the additional support staff in multiple offices internationally. We work hard to make things as easy as possible for participants to sign up and have a great time. Your fees enable us to carry out all the route planning, research, logistics and administration whilst providing an earning for our hard working staff. In addition to the “background” work, your fee also covers the inclusive features of your trip package such as:
- Information about and help in arranging visas and all other paperwork
- Government permits & recommendations, where applicable.
- Essential and hard-to-find maps.
- A custom road book that guides you on all aspects of the journey.
- Official rally gear. (Clothing and accessories)
- Complete coordination of charity events.
- Launch party.
- Finishers party.
- Organization team located in Budapest available to assist with all questions and issues that arise pre-event.